Frequently Asked QUestions

Here’s some common questions that have come up for dealing with our web portal and subscriptions, with quick links and images to help you out! For more about our farm and the options for eating with us go back to our home page.

Vocabulary first: An order is an individual bag or box full of veggies. Anyone can place an individual order on weekends, and these must be confirmed for us to pack them up (like checking out at a store). Members are subscribed to have an order created each time we’re delivering to your pick up location (that’s weekly in summer, monthly in winter, every other week in spring). These automatically generated orders are already confirmed, but members can edit their order over the weekend. A hold prevents us from creating an order for you in any given time period you choose (from a week to a season). You can cancel any individual order, and you can request to cancel a subscription at any time too.

Scroll down for more info on the following topics:

  • Account Details

  • Can I eat with you without being a member?

  • Weekly “Farmer’s Choice” order details

  • How do I edit my bag?

  • Confirming an order

  • How do I place a hold?

  • Cancelling an order

  • Changing pick up location

  • Emails

  • Billing

  • Are there other payment options?

  • Gifting veggies

Account Details

You can see your account info here:

It will show you your order for this week, just click the green “View Order”. When viewing your order, you can see the individual items, your total, pick up location details, and a cancel button if you don’t want a delivery this week. You can swap items in a pre-filled bag (see edit below), delete items (little purple trash can) or edit the quantity (little purple pencil). There’s a menu on the left to access your account info (extra contacts!), activity (like card transactions), and subscriptions.

If you hit Subscriptions you’ll see which memberships you’re subscribed to in a list, and you can click on it for the full details (including location, credits, and holds).

Can I eat with you without being a member?

Definitely! Our online farm stand just looks like an online store, and is open every weekend to order your veggies to pick up the following week at any of our locations. It’s a more flexible option for those who don’t necessarily want a bag automatically created every week. Just hit the “Shop Now” button on our storefront, or here’s the direct link: . Please note that there’s two steps to ordering:

  1. Add veggies to your cart.

  2. Click the cart icon, and hit “View and confirm order”. Once that page loads, you’ll see your order and can hit confirm.

To double check anytime, there’s a little shopping cart icon until you have confirmed an order, once you’ve confirmed it becomes a little check mark! You can still edit your order until the posted close time, so I recommend confirming your order when you first create it.

How do I edit my “farmer’s Choice” bag?

Each Friday afternoon you’ll get a confirmation email showing you what we’re thinking of packing for you. We select a “farmer’s choice” selection of veggies each week based on what’s thriving in the gardens and we strive to mix it up each week as we move through the seasons. Your email will show you exactly what we’re thinking for the next week! To edit:

  1. Head to our customizing link (your account Overview) over the weekend and you’ll see "View order" to swap the contents around within your pre-filled bag, or "Continue Shopping" to add more veggies.

  2. First, hit “View order” which will show you all the veggies in your bag, with a little pencil to change the number of them and a trash can to delete any individual veggies. The system won’t let you take the value of your bag below a minimum order amount, but just it “Continue Shopping” to add in replacement veggies!

  3. Use the “Continue Shopping” button to peek at what else is available, there’s always lots to choose from. Add whatever you’d like.

  4. You can always see what’s in your bag by clicking the little check mark (or shopping cart) icon at the top right beside the person. There’s always a button there to edit your order by taking you back to the view order screen.

There will be a subscription item listed in your order but you’ll see there’s no associated price. Each veggie we will pack will be listed separately for you to be able to edit, and your total will be updated live for you to see as you edit your bag contents. If you’d like to rebuild your bag from scratch you can use the trash can beside your subscription, but we recommend just taking out the individual items you don’t want and adding in some new ones! There’s always lots to choose from.

Confirming an order

Just as with an online store, you can put anything in your cart… and then you have to confirm your order so that we pack it. If you still see a shopping cart in the upper right hand corner, your order is not yet confirmed. This will switch to a check mark once your order is confirmed and we’re ready to harvest and pack it for you. Subscription orders will always be confirmed, but any new orders will need this confirmation step.

To confirm, just click on the shopping cart and hit the orange “Review and confirm order” button. This will show you all your order contents, pick up information, payment info and grand total. Once you are happy with all those details, hit the big green “Confirm Order” button and you’ll be good to go!

After confirming, you can still edit your bag as much as you like over the weekend. Confirming reserves those vegetables in your cart for you otherwise they might sell out!

How do I place a Hold?

You can create a “hold” on your subscription anytime you like, just put the calendar dates into the system and we won’t create any orders for you to collect in that time frame! Ideal for those who only want to eat with us certain seasons, travellers, or if you just want a break for a week.

  1. To set your vacation dates head to your account here:
    (or if you’re already logged in, just hit Account along the top, then Subscriptions on the left)

  2. Once you're there, you'll see your subscription listed at the top and on the right is a "Options" button. Click to create a hold. Then you can put in your vacation dates! It will look like this:

Note the image at the bottom is “Available Subscriptions” and the top section is your “Account Subscriptions” - the active one is the little purple underlined description at the top.

If you click on an active subscription (purple underlined text in the image above) you’ll be taken to the full details, and at the bottom is a holds section where you can see your holds, add another hold, or delete a hold.

Holds must be placed before Friday to be effective starting the following week, if we’ve already created an order for you you’ll need to cancel that order. We create orders Friday late morning, with the “Time to edit your veggies” email going out around noon to confirm we’re packing you some. If you receive this email, just view your order and cancel the bag for that week. You can always cancel an order (see below) during the editing time window.

cancelling an order

For members, you can place a hold until Friday morning… but Fridays mid-day the orders are created for the following week. Any individual order can be cancelled during the ordering period over the weekend.

  1. Login to your account:

  2. Hit the green view order button, near the bottom on the left:

3. Hit the big red cancel order button on the bottom right here:

This will remove your order from the system, we won’t pack it and your card won’t be charged :)

This is not to be confused with “cancelling” your subscription. To cancel a subscription, you would start at and hit the green “Options” button on the right beside your subscription. You’ll see a request to cancel button if you hit that we’ll be in touch to confirm we’ve removed your membership from the system. Here’s what that screen looks like:

Changing Pick up Location

There are three places a pick up location can be specified in the web portal:

  1. Your account: you can see or change here This is the default distribution location used whenever you create a new order.

  2. Your subscription: when you subscribed to become a member, you selected a location. All subscription orders will be created for that location, unless you message Heather to change it.

  3. Each individual order has a location assigned to it, and you can manually change the location for any order during the editing window any weekend. Head to and hit that green “View Order” button. If the location you want to switch to is on a different day of the week, please email Heather during the order editing window as you won’t be able to make that switch yourself.


We email you to confirm your orders, or send out basic information to our members and these are considered critical because you have placed an order or membership. The emails are linked to your account and will come to your inbox. There are two basic emails every week:

  1. “Time to edit your veggie order!” will go out to all members we have created an order for on Friday afternoons. We’ll pack you veggies if you receive this email unless you cancel it.

  2. “Fiddlehead Farm Final Confirmation for Order#” will go out to everyone picking up veggies, around 7am on your pick up day.

We also send out a weekly newsletter, and you can subscribe to this even if you’re not a member, or if you are a member but want to skip the news you can hit unsubscribe at the bottom of any email you receive from mailchimp. You can also re-join the newsletter again anytime by using the subscribe link. Any new members will be automatically added to the list prior to sending out the weekly news, if you don’t see it in your inbox check your promotions or spam as sometimes they get filtered out initially. Just mark it to go to your inbox next time!

3. Our weekly newsletter goes out Saturdays mid day with pictures, news from the farm, cooking ideas and notes for the week.

Are you getting duplicate emails? Check that in your account info you don’t have your own email address repeated as a “Billing email“. All emails go to the main account holder, billing contacts are sent a copy of order confirmation emails (“Time to edit”, and Final confirmation morning of pick up).

Additional contacts

We know many of you share veggie-pick up duties with housemates and family members and we want to keep every one in the loop!

  1. Head to your Account Info section:

  2. There's a billing tab where you can list additional email addresses, just separate with a comma if you want several addresses.

Billing contacts will get your alert when it’s time to edit your veggie order, as well as the order confirmation the morning of pick-up.

As an account holder, you’ll always get all the emails so don’t put your address into the billing contacts unless you want double emails ;)


We can use either debit or credit cards, and these are charged on Tuesdays after we pack up your veggies for all orders in the system. The total amount listed in your cart will be charged to your card. You will receive a confirmation of what we’re delivering as well as what your card was charged each morning you will be picking up. You can see all your order details and your past card transactions from your account info page:

If your payment failed, please help us troubleshoot by taking action when you receive a follow up email.

Are there other payment options?

Note: Our “Credit Card” option in payment selection includes any debit cards with a MC debit or Visa debit logo, so most Canadian debit cards will also work if you’d prefer use debit!

We operate on a pay-as-you-go system, so we’ll charge a debit or credit card on file for each order we pack up for you. This makes it much easier to adapt to your schedule, as most members want to skip a week here or there! Should you wish to make a lump sum payment, you can do that and we’ll put a credit on your account that will be used up before your card is next charged. An advance payment can be made from your card, or can be arranged to be received by e-transfer, cash, or cheque if you would prefer one of those payment options. Please note you cannot “pay by order” for offline methods such as e-transfer, cash or cheque. We require a larger amount as these transactions must be paid in advance and processed manually by both you and us!

Gifting Veggies

Thinking of giving a gift of veggies to a loved one? We’re happy to help! There are two main options:

  1. We create an account for them, and you can e-transfer funds to add to it for them to use anytime they like.

  2. We can create an additional order on your account, for a once-off gift!

Just send Heather an email and she’ll set that up with you: